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How the Humidifier Works

April 18

The humidifier is a storage container specifically designed to help maintain a level of relative humidity, which is critical for cigars, because the tobacco leaves in them naturally expand and contract based on the relative humidity of the air around them. When a cigar gets too dry, it shrinks and loses its aroma and flavor, which are two critical parts of smoking cigars. And conversely, when a cigar is exposed to extremely high humidity, it can lead to mold, rot and even infestation by tobacco beetles

The humidifiers are available in all shapes and sizes and can be as small as a box for use as a travel humidor or as large as a wardrobe room, mainly used in cigar shops. Regardless of size, each humidor will have a good seal to maintain the internal temperature and will provide a thermostat and hygrometer to help the owner maintain optimal conditions.

A humidifier should always be aimed at 70% relative humidity for the best storage conditions. To achieve this, the humidifier needs a water source. There are several ways to introduce moisture into the interior, including sponges or humidifying envelopes (boveda) which is the simplest humidifier of all.

An hygrometer is another important component of your humidifier. It measures the humidity levels inside to let you know if you need to add moisture or absorb a little too much water to dry things out. A hygrometer can be Digital ή Analog.

The traditional choice for an indoor humidifier is the Spanish cedar. Some have cedar paneling on the walls, while others use Spanish cedar wood for the shelves and or drawers inside. Just like a cedar closet, Spanish cedar humidifiers repel insects and protect the contents from damage. Spanish cedar also has certain absorbent properties, which allow it to absorb and release water to keep conditions evenly moist inside the humidifier.

With all these elements in place, your smokes should remain moist and fresh and will only soften and improve with age.